A Seller's Guide to Low Ball Offers in the Monterey Bay

A Seller's Guide to Low Ball Offers in the Monterey Bay

  • Liz Kroft
  • 09/25/24

If you’re selling a property in the Monterey Bay area, chances are you'll encounter a low-ball offer at some point. Whether it’s an offer far below your asking price or a buyer hoping to snag a bargain, low-ball offers are part of the real estate negotiation process. While they can be frustrating, they don't have to be deal-breakers. Here's a comprehensive guide on understanding, handling, and negotiating low-ball offers to ensure you navigate the process like a pro.


What are Low Ball Offers?

A low-ball offer is simply an offer that comes in significantly below your asking price—usually 10% to 20% less. Buyers might make low-ball offers for various reasons, including hoping to get a deal, testing how flexible you are, or seeing if you might be open to negotiation. Here are common characteristics:

  • Substantially below the asking price: Typically 10-20% lower.
  • Cash offers: Sometimes buyers try to sweeten the deal with a cash offer, hoping for a faster closing process.
  • Minimal contingencies: Offers may have fewer conditions, like waiving inspections or appraisals.
  • Requests for repairs or concessions: Buyers might justify the low offer by pointing out repairs or asking for credits at closing.

As a seller, this can feel like an insult, especially if you've priced your property correctly. However, understanding the motivations behind such offers is the first step toward handling them effectively.


Example of a Low Ball Offer

Imagine your home is listed at $850,000, and a buyer offers $720,000—around a 15% reduction. It can be frustrating, but it doesn’t necessarily mean the buyer isn’t interested. They might be testing the waters, believing that the market conditions favor their offer, or they might have a lower budget but still love your property.


How to Handle a Low Ball Offer

Getting a low-ball offer can be discouraging, but it doesn’t mean the deal is dead. Here’s how to respond:

    1. Stay Calm: Take a deep breath and remember that this is just a starting point.
    2. Evaluate Fully: Look beyond the offer price. Does it come with favorable terms like a quick closing or minimal contingencies?
    3. Communicate Clearly: Have an honest conversation with your real estate agent about the pros and cons of the offer.
    4. Counter Strategically: A well-thought-out counteroffer can bring the buyer closer to your desired price.
    5. Know When to Walk Away: If the buyer isn’t willing to budge, you’re not obligated to accept.
    6. Leave the Door Open: Stay professional; the buyer might come back with a more reasonable offer.


Tips & Strategies for Sellers to Negotiate Low Ball Offers

  1. Understand the Buyer’s Motivation: Assess why the buyer offered a lower price. Understanding this can help you tailor your counteroffer.
  2. Present Market Data: Use local market data to justify your asking price. Highlight recent sales of comparable properties in the local area.
  3. Highlight Your Home’s Unique Selling Points: Emphasize what makes your property special, whether it’s the ocean views, proximity to beaches, or recent renovations.
  4. Focus on the Big Picture: If the buyer can’t meet your price, see if they’re open to other concessions, such as an adjusted closing date.
  5. Use Time to Your Advantage: If you're not in a rush to sell, let the buyer know. Sometimes patience encourages them to increase their offer.
  6. Offer Incentives or Upgrades: If you’re not willing to lower the price, consider offering incentives like including appliances or a home warranty.
  7. Keep the Negotiation Environment Positive: Stay friendly and open, making both parties more willing to compromise.



What percentage is considered a low-ball offer?

In Santa Cruz and Monterey County, anything 10-20% below the asking price is typically considered a low-ball offer, though this can vary based on market conditions.

Are low-ball offers common in this area?

Yes, especially in a buyer's market or if a home has been listed for a while. Buyers may feel more confident trying to negotiate a lower price.

Can low-ball offers turn into successful deals?

Absolutely. With the right negotiation strategies, low-ball offers can often be negotiated into fair and mutually beneficial deals.

Bringing It All Together

Handling low-ball offers doesn’t have to be a frustrating experience. By staying calm, evaluating the offer objectively, and approaching negotiations strategically, you can turn even the lowest offer into a positive outcome. With the right mindset and guidance, you can navigate low-ball offers confidently and find a path to a successful sale in the Monterey Bay region.


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